Monday, September 17, 2012

Pot Roast

Hey guys,

It's no use... There's so many sketches to show now... blergh, I've made a selection, well, not all drawings are worth showing, really... but here goes:

Just some few sketches... and yup, i'm a big fan of Final Fantasy VIII. Bunch of life studies, state of mind, fanarts, project studies...a lil' bit of everything , blah

Here's some preview of what i'm working on. As I said on another entry, my colleagues at work started a challenge called "word of the day", one of them was "pin-up" and I liked my idea... Don't worry, once I organize all the drawings I'll upload them here... It's been 2 weeks, so lotsa drawings to show as always, but they're very promising ... I guess.


  1. Bem desculpa lá então, não tinha intenção o_o ....

  2. Yeah facebook is a drag. I deleted mine in November '11. I love the FFVIII drawings, could I possibly get a link to a higher resolution version please? ^^
