Friday, March 15, 2013

Scrambled eggs

Hey there,
Since yesterday I've been travelling to Havøysund and I can tell you how much it sucks travelling alone. Yesterday I blogged the last entry on the hotel in Oslo. Why did my sister have to live so damn far away? Oh well. I hate airports. I hate going through security. I don't know why, I always feel guilty. I don't have anything to hide but I always have the weird thought that I might have a chemical weapon which can spread an unknown virus and start a  zombie apocalipse amidst my stuff. Oh well. If I can't bring a bomb at least they are nice enough to grant me a knife on board. Muahaha. I'm not joking they really did.
I've been sketching... Nothing much, though I'm still recovering, and I still use it as a stress relief. I don't have the inspiration or the urge to make something really great. But since I left Portugal I finally feel relaxed, maybe I really had to take a break from what surrounded me back there. Even family and boyfriend. I miss them but my well being screams for rest and meditation. It screams so loud that I can barely feel/hear other feelings like yearning. I have this thing in hotels, it's like a ritual and i'm sure I am not the only one. I love to take immersion baths ( don't know if this is correct I hope you get the point) fill the bathtub with hot steamy water, listening to relaxing music and... The rest is history. :]
I hate this plane to Alta. It's far north of Norway. And the weather sucks big time. It's a place where it has daylight for 6 months and night for other 6 months. Probably this was the last time I enjoyed a good NIGHT of sleep. I won't have any night from now on until June.
Sorry to not upload the photos in the right order. I'm blogging on the phone because I'm lazy.
See ya next time


  1. Oi Bruna, espero que estejas melhor aí na Noruega agora e que arranjes tempo para descansar. A gente precisa mesmo de descansar, fazer uma pausa de vez em quando.
    Bruna tu tens imensas capacidades, toda a gente sabe disso. Só tens de apontar para onde tu queres na vida e ir atrás e mais nada. Não te sabotes a ti mesma e nem deixes que as tuas emoções ditem o que tu és porque és muito mais do que isso. Não deixes que tomem posse e que te arrastem, em vez disso direcciona as tuas emoções como gatilho para o que te pode realmente transformar. E as coisas não são sempre fáceis claro, mas vais ver que mal ponhas um objectivo, um objectivo a sério de vida, o que tu realmente queres fazer nesta vida, tudo se vai orientar para que se concretize porque é a tua natureza o que te dá vontade de viver. Procura isso e vive por isso, aproveita a vida mesmo!

    1 grande abraço!

    1. Hey Darsy, muito obrigada pelo grande apoio. Li isto durante a minha viagem e fiquei muito sentida. É praticamente tudo o q tu disseste. Quando eu voltar, serei uma pessoa rejuvenescida. Farei por isso. Fica atento ao progresso. :) ah, e uma das coisas q tenho mais vontade de fazer qnd chegar é tentar meditar cmo tu me ensinaste :D o sítio onde tou é propício á mudança e tranquilidade. Tenho tudo q é necessário para rejuvenescer. Beijinhos

  2. Well, sometimes you just need a fresh start, and to meditate on what is going on with your life. You needed a time-out from everybody, and I'm glad you're getting it. Just like a phoenix, you will be reborn. Take all the time you need for yourself and rest, draw, or just plainly do nothing at all. Now it's your turn to do whatever you like. Come back a different, fresher, better artist, as best as you can be. Your life just got a reset, so enjoy. still here whenever you need me ;)

    1. I feel sorry for you for having a troublesome girlfriend like me. But dont worry, its in my nature to transform. Maybe it won't be last time. But I hope it was for the breakdown. I WILL come back as a better person and STRONGER. Thank you for Helping me in my darkest hours and sore times. Now leave it to me.

      I Love you. Kisses
